Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Macedonia Baptist Church - Ohio

This was one of the very first places I explored when I began doing paranormal investigations. One of my former team members told me about this location and how it had long been rumored to be haunted. The evening my old team and I visited, we just walked around the outside of the church and took photos and audio recordings (which really isn't a great thing to do outdoors). We didn't find anything to solidify the rumors of anything paranormal happening at the church that evening, but it is not easy to investigate outside in an uncontrolled environment.

The church has been sitting abandoned since at least my first visit in 2006, I am sure it was abandoned many more years before I ever knew it existed. One could easily pass by this church, thinking it is just another old building that nobody uses anymore, but it is so much more than just an unused church building.

This old church has a very rich history. If you visit, you will notice there is a historical marker on the road in front of the church. This marker tells a brief history of the building.

The church was built in the mid-1800s. A Virginia landowner freed many of his slaves upon his death and provided land for them near Burlington, Ohio. Thirty-two of them settled on the land they were given, which was near a Baptist church. The existing church was a congregation made up of runaway slaves and free negroes. Together, the thirty-two freed slaves and the Baptist congregation built a new church on Macedonia Ridge, which was named Macedonia Missionary Baptist Church. The church was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1978.

All photos on this site are property of Melissa Stanley unless otherwise noted. 

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